By Casebrook Unican | Posted: Monday August 21, 2017
If you are interested in joining the PTA please come along and get to know our friendly team its never too late with a number of school events still to come this year. Our main activities are to raise funds for school related items and organise social events. We would love to see Parents and Caregivers coming along to share their ideas. It is a great way of meeting new people and connecting with your child's school. No pressure to join, just come along and have a look. If you would like further information please email our co-chairperson Rebecca MacLennan:
Thank you to everyone that came along to quiz night we really appreciate the support, the numbers are in and with your help we made a whopping $2423. What an amazing effort guys! This goes towards the lighting our hall is patiently waiting for.
Thank you for your support in getting a fun night together and a huge thank you to the businesses within our community that generously donated prizes.