By Connor and Guy | Posted: Monday July 3, 2017
This season the Casebrook rugby team has had an okay start, winning two games out of five which is pretty good considering we are still getting to know each other. If we keep on playing like we do, we will be able to win more games.
We play at Hagley Park and get there by bus, which takes forever. We go there every Tuesday at the start of lunch and get back round about three o'clock.
It's really great because you can see every boy trying their hardest and overall we are a pretty good team. We know every boy in the team can’t wait for each Tuesday getting to go to Hagley whether we win or lose it is always fun playing with friends.
The last game we played was against Chisnallwood, it was quite a tough game and the end result was 19-15 to them. They scored in the last minute to seal the victory, which is a shame, but it was still a good game.