By Dayton, Aston and Josh | Posted: Monday July 3, 2017
During Term 1 and 2 Room 12 and 14 participated in integrated inquiry with Mrs Dick-McCann, we all did different things. Josh, Aston, Connor, Tuhoe, Dayton and Riley were in an inquiry group called 2 Da Rescue which was set up to try and reduce their carbon footprint.
We were hoping to improve our carbon footprint and we did that, we wanted to go to the Port Hills to plant trees but they didn’t want big groups of people going there after the devastating fires.
So we had to think of a different plan. We decided to plant trees next to the school driveway. After we talked about the information to Bevan (our school caretaker) and Mrs Dick-McCann, we were donated $50 worth of trees from Trees for Canterbury. We could now buy some trees to plant down the side of the driveway.
We planted the trees along the driveway two weeks ago, we have also been donated some new plants which we hope to plant elsewhere at school. Youthtown also donated us a Lemonwood Tree which we planted at the end of the field last week.