By Cassidy Rae | Posted: Monday October 28, 2024
REP at Home
This fortnight our REP focus is 'REP at Home'. This fortnight, students have come home with a 'REP at Home' pack that includes information on the programme, an activity matrix and three REP cards. The matrix give students ways to show REP at home by completing tasks around the home, trying new things, and helping out around the community.
Completing the matrix is worth three Casebrook Challenges, and giving it a go is worth one. When your matrix is completed, students can bring this back to school and drop it into the box in the library. When this is done, your whānau will go in the draw to win a Cobb & Co, Joe's Garage, or a Styx & Stones voucher.
The three REP cards can be earned when your child demonstrates respect, excellence, or perseverance. These can then be brought back to school to go towards the student's badge count.