By Renee Kake | Posted: Saturday October 26, 2024
We pride ourselves in ensuring our new students have a seamless transition to Casebrook Intermediate which begins in term two of Year 6.
Visit to Casebrook Intermediate
Year 6 students and their current teachers from contributing schools within our Kāhui Ako visit Casebrook Intermediate for a morning of exploration and engagement. During their visit, students will have the chance to experience our technology and specialist programmes and they will be guided on a tour of the school by our student leaders.
Parents, caregivers and whānau are also welcome to join us for this event. There will be an opportunity to meet with our Principal and the senior management team, where they can learn about the opportunities available for our emerging adolescents and ask any questions they may have.
Open Days
Open Days are held at the start of term three. Year 6 students, along with their parents, caregivers and whānau are invited to book an open day tour. There will be a presentation from our principal and senior management team, where they can learn about the opportunities and support available for our emerging adolescents, followed by a guided tour of the school by our student leaders.
Enrolments Dates
Enrolments for Casebrook Intermediate close towards the end of August each year. We strongly encourage both in zone and out of zone students to submit their enrolments by the deadline, as we have a limited capacity that we may reach.
Matinee Performance of our Production
Year 6 students from contributing schools are invited to attend the matinee performance of our annual production, held in the school hall. This event provides them with a wonderful opportunity to experience one of the many activities available to them in the upcoming year.
Parent and Whānau Transition Interviews
All enrolled students are invited to meet with a Casebrook staff member to discuss any learning or social considerations you think are important to share. These are very important interviews to start building relationships and ensuring we get the most important information about your child. These are held after school and in the evening. There will also be a celebration of learning across the specialist rooms on display in our hall.
Year 6 Testing and Transition
Casebrook staff visit contributing schools and administer an entrance test to those students who will be attending the following year. The test is just one piece of data we collect and should not cause your child any concern. Our staff will also speak with your child’s current Year 6 teacher to gain an understanding of their learning strengths and needs.
Non Contributing Schools Visit
We have a large number of students each year who enrol from schools outside of our Kāhui Ako. As part of this transition, students are given the opportunity to spend a day at Casebrook. Students will sit an entrance test in the morning and then be shown around the school by our student leaders. They will experience a 'Casebrook Classroom' with a buddy and finish the day participating in team building games.
A parent information session will be held at this time in the staffroom with our principal and school management, followed by a tour around the school. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and hear about our vision for the next two years of your child’s education.
Visit Contributing Schools
Later in the term, senior management will visit your primary with Casebrook students who used to attend your primary school. They will share what their transition to Intermediate was like and answer any questions.
Year 7 Parent/Whānau Interviews
After an interview with their new teacher, Year 7 students need time to settle in to their new school. They have the first day without Year 8s to learn about routines and the opportunities available to our students and develop new friendships.