Our REP focus for this fortnight has been Respect in a Bully-Free Community

By Trina Wilkinson | Posted: Monday April 8, 2024

At Te Kura Mareko Casebrook Intermediate we are a bully free community. We have been focussing on this in the last fortnight.

Bullying can be physical, emotional, mental and online. There are four ways to identify bullying:

Bullying is deliberate – one person intentionally causing physical and / or psychological harm to another.

Bullying involves a power imbalance
– an actual (or perceived) unequal relationship (eg physical size, age, gender, social status or digital capability and access.

Bullying is usually not a one-off - it is repeated over time, with the threat of further incidents leading to fear and anxiety. People may bully one person many times, or different people each time.

Bullying is harmful

– there is short or long-term physical or psychological harm to the target (eg, as a result of coercion or intimidation)

Each class went through the process for reporting a bully and understanding the difference between an accident, bullying and unkind behaviour (photo attached). We encourage ākonga to report both of these to a teacher. There was also learning around a bystander and an upstander.

Pink Shirt Day will be happening later this term - which is a huge initiative to ensure bullying is not happening. 

Check out the REP Video created by Room 6 here

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