Baseball Super star on the rise

By Sam Broad | Posted: Monday May 6, 2024

Making the Under 18 New Zealand Baseball squad isn't an easy thing to do, especially when you are only 14!

Jacoby Golding who is an ex Casebrook student has just been selected for the Under 18 New Zealand Baseball squad. This is an amazing achievement for Jacoby. He is about to head to America to play baseball and then on his return will be heading to Hamilton to join the New Zealand camp.

Jacoby has been working hard over the past few years in oder to achieve this success. Jacoby and his mum, Juliette, drive to Nelson nearly every weekend during the Baseball season so that Jacoby can play and train alongside the best players in New Zealand.

Casebrook is so proud of you Jacoby and can't wait to continue to follow your success!