By Renee Kake | Posted: Wednesday August 14, 2024
Our annual ski trips began last week with our first group of students spending the day up at Mount Hutt last Wednesday, followed by another group yesterday.
These ski days give students who have never skied before, the opportunity to enjoy this experience and learn to ski with qualified instructors and skilled teachers! Special thanks to Char Rennie for her organisation of these days.
Our staff will be involved in the Tōtaranui Kāhui Ako Staff Only Day with all schools within our Kāhui Ako closed for instruction on Friday. Teachers will be listening to the keynote speaker Kathryn Berkett and attending professional development workshops focussing on neurodiversity. We look forward to attending the workshops and learning more ways to engage, promote and advance our teacher’s knowledge on neurodiversity and to also celebrate the amazing things we are already doing. Many thanks to Trina Wilkinson and Tom Straker for their organisation.
We have over 100 students attending CAIMS Winter Sports Tournament on Monday and Tuesday. They will be competing against other Intermediate Schools from around Canterbury. We wish our athletes all the best for the tournament days. Back at school we will be running Talent Days. Students have selected from a range of activities and they will have a fun filled two days participating in cross curricular sessions such as Claymation Creations, Hollywood in the House, Hiphop Dance and Fun with Flox! - just to name a few.
A reminder to parents that if you are looking at enrolling your child at Casebrook Intermediate Te Kura Mareko next year, or know of anyone who intends to enrol their child, enrolments close 31st August.
As always, if you have questions or concerns, please contact us.
Nāku iti noa
Renee Kake
Deputy Principal