Introducing Mr Mark Russell and the Learning Support Coordinator role at Casebrook Intermediate

By Mark Russell | Posted: Wednesday February 7, 2024

The role of the Learning Support Coordinator (LSC) was established in 2015. Currently, the position is held by Mark Russell.

The role of the LSC:

- Support students in ensuring positive engagement with curriculum.

- Support student wellbeing and identify areas of need and/or risk.

- Engage with whānau around positive interventions to increase levels of achievement and/or wellbeing.

- Liaise with outside agencies to support student needs through the Pastoral Support Team.

- Co-ordinating the learning support team.

- Manage referrals to external support agencies.

Why does Casebrook have an LSC?

At Casebrook we understand that our students are heading into pre-adolescence, which can bring changes physically, cognitively, emotionally, and socially. Having a dedicated staff member who is there to support each student through such changes can be of great value to students, whānau and a school.

Who should access the LSC?

That’s the special thing about it, everyone can. All students, teachers, parents and anyone in the community. If you have any concerns at all that relates to learning or the wellbeing of a student then the LSC is available for you.

How can I make contact with the LSC?

The role has been designed in a way so the LSC is available in regular slots throughout the week. You should not have to wait very long to see him. The best way to make contact is by emailing or phone the school office 03 3597428 to make an appointment.