Lost property - what happens

By Catherina Hengst | Posted: Sunday February 4, 2024

Any unnamed items left lying around the school eventually find their way to Te Puna Waro - the school library space. What happens next....?

If the items are named they will find their way back to their owners, please make sure your child's things are clearly named. Otherwise they will be listed in the notices on a regular basis and photographed for the fortnightly newsletter.  

Students are able to come and check the lost property for themselves during the lunch hour or at a time that suits their classroom teacher. 

At the end of the term school uniform items get washed and donated to the school second hand uniforms stocks and non uniforms are donated to charities. 

Currently in Lost Property:

  • school jacket
  • reddish puffer jacket
  • black and blue zip up jacket
  • black watch (being held in school office)

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