Class and Staff Relay Competition

By Kylie M | Posted: Tuesday November 28, 2023

On Tuesday the 14th November we had the annual class and staff relay race! Every class selected 12 people to compete in the girls, boys and mixed relay races.

For most classes it was a very close race. Of all the classes, Room 1 took out the most wins with their class winning all three of the Year 8 races they competed in. We interviewed some of the Room 1 students who competed in the races and asked them a few questions about the races. They said that their biggest competitor was Room 6, and they felt that they had very fast runners that would help them win the race.

As well as having class relay races, we had the annual house leader vs staff relay race. According to Mr Kirk, the staff members have always won this race. Most of the teachers said that it was the closest race they have had in a while. For a lot of the teachers it was their first time competing in this race. Overall it was a very successful afternoon with a lot of yelling from the student crowd.

Here are the results from the day:

  • Staff vs House Leaders: 1st - Staff, 2nd - House Leaders
  • Y7G: 1st Rm 8, 2nd Rm 7, 3rd Rm 9
  • Y7B:1st Rm 13, 2nd Rm 4, 3rd Rm 9
  • Y8G:1st Rm 1, 2nd Rm 16, 3rd Rm 2
  • Y8B: 1st Rm 1, 2nd Rm 6, 3rd Rm 15
  • Y7 Mixed: 1st Rm 9, 2nd Rm 8, 3rd Rm 7
  • Y8 Mixed: 1st Rm 1, 2nd Rm 2, 3rd Rm 6

Article by Leah Cunningham and Sophia Prince

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