Blackbelt Success!

By Kylie M | Posted: Tuesday November 28, 2023

Andrew James (Room 16) has recently received his black belt.

After years of training and hard work, he successfully passed his grading two weeks ago. He has now officially earned the title of Senpai Andrew and is the youngest black belt in his dojo.

I asked Andrew some questions to find out more about his karate:

Q: How long have you been doing karate?

Andrew has been doing karate for 6 & ½ years.

Q: Have you been wanting to get a black belt?

Andrew has wanted to be a black belt ever since he started karate, so 6 & ½ years.

Q: Why did you start doing karate?

Andrew started karate so he had something his brother wasn’t better at than him.

Q: What are you aiming to get next after you receive your permanent black belt?

Andrew is aiming to get his second level black after he gets his proper belt.

Q: Why did you choose karate over other martial arts?

Andrew chose karate because he didn’t try anything else out.

Q: How long did the grading take?

The grading took 3 & ½ hours.

Q: How long did it take you to train for the grading?

The training coming up to my grading took three months.

Andrew has said that the hardest part of his grading was where he had to do 150 push ups in one go after already doing an hour of his grading.

Article by Ryder Cherry

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