Tēnā Koutou Katoa - The Wonderful Spectechular Display

By Sharon Keen | Posted: Wednesday November 1, 2023

Thank you to all the staff involved in our Spec/Tech programmes for the work you are doing with our young people and the fabulous display in the hall.

I hope that today or yesterday you found the time to pop into the school hall and view the amazing array of items on display.  Our young people can be very proud of their achievements and I thank all the staff involved.

This time of year is certainly a busy time for sports with our athletics day, tournaments and summer Hagley.  We appreciate your support and the work of Tom and his team who allowing it all to happen.

Our first camp is at Mount Cook this week and by all accounts having a fabulous time. The second camp leaves on Monday.  This is an optional activity but one that really shows off that part of our country.

This is the time of year that we focus on transition work, both Casebrook students moving on to High School and Primary students moving to us.  If you have any questions or concerns about how your child is coping with the thought of the move do not hesitate to contact us.  Mark Russell is your first point of call but you can contact any of our staff for assistance or to answer your questions.

The next few weeks continue to be filled with a range of activities and events and so please keep referring to the school calendar and/or the daily notices that can be found on our website.  It is an exciting time but busy.

As always thank you for your support and please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of assistance.

Nāku iti noa

Sharon Keen

Principal - Tumuaki

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