Week 7 & 8 REP Focus "Punctuality & Attendance"

By Trina Wilkinson | Posted: Sunday August 27, 2023

The importance of having good punctuality and attendance is our focus for REP for the next two weeks.

Students have been made aware of the importance of being at school on time an regularly. We have a target of 90% that students are expected to meet.

What happens if your child is late?

  • We know that sometimes you will be running late for school. We get that “life happens”

  • If you arrive between 8.35am and 8.50am they go straight to your class.

  • If you arrive after 8.50am, they need to sign in on the iPad in the office and take a late pass to their teacher.

  • All that information on the ipad goes to Mrs Gillard and Mr Straker. Mr Straker checks how many times someone has been late.

  • If lates continue after Mr Straker has spoken to the student, the school will send a letter or ask whānau to come in.

  • If nothing changes then a K3 attendance officer will be notified and that officer will come to your house.

What if my child can't come to school?

  • Again, we understand that sometimes they cannot make it to school due to sickness etc

  • But if they aren’t going to make it to school, a caregiver needs to let the school know.

  • Mr Straker will look at the school data three times a term and if anyone has been away for more that 20% of the year he will speak to them.

  • If poor attendance continues the school will send a letter or ask whānau to come in.

  • If nothing changes then a K3 attendance officer will be notified and that officer will come to your house. 

What about the students who have great attendance?

  • Our school target is to have every student attending above 90%

  • At the end of each term we have a draw for any students who have reached this goal. In Term 1 it was 5x vouchers for Northlands Mall and in Term 2 it was 5 Hoyts Movie vouchers.

  • This term, we have also introduced an attendance ‘Spin 2 Win’ at our assembly. This is a draw for students who have attended higher than 90% for the two weeks before assembly and each week we will draw 5x students to win a free juicie.

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