Inquiry Academic Term 2

By Shona Mckenzie | Posted: Wednesday September 6, 2023

This term our inquiry was about creating a startup business.

Our driving question behind our inquiry was "How can we change the world through business and innovation?"

Students worked as individuals or in groups to design a business around a redesigned or new product. Everyone had to think about how their business could show innovation and change the world for the better. Students created and wrote a business plan and learned how to market their product to a target audience. Everyone presented their product at a school-wide business expo where the school could view the final pieces.

There was a huge variety of startups within the school. Some students created prototypes of their product to display what it would look like in real life, while others took the time to bring their product to life by creating a real life product.

This was a fantastic learning experience for everyone as they got to understand the process behind creating a business and the time and effort needed to ensure it is successful.

Well done to everyone who participated, there was a high level of creativity and innovation.