2023 Talent Days

By Bryden Houliston | Posted: Wednesday August 23, 2023

On Monday and Tuesday 14th and 15th of August, students participated in a variety of talent days while a range of teachers and students were away competing at the CAIMS Tournament.

These talent days have a wide variety of options that students got the option of choosing from and the topics ranged from a Fifa Extravaganza to creating some awesome zigzag art.

Overall, all students enjoyed these options of talent days and said it was a nice breath of fresh air as they got a break from their usual classrooms and got to experience something different with different teachers and classmates.

Everyone had an awesome time in these talents days and were a big success. Here are what a few students from Room 8 had to say about it.

What talent days were you a part of?

Geethasri "Stop Motion and BP Challenges".

Anna "Sewing and Stop Motion".

What was your favourite option out of the two days and why?

Geethasri "Stop Motion because we got to make our own movie".

Anna "Sewing because it was calm and fun".

What was one thing you learned during your talent day?

Geethasri "I learned that stop motion is when you actually take pictures and make it into a movie".

Anna "That the movie Chicken Run was stop motion".

If you could create your own talent day, what option would you teach?

Geethasri "Some sort of sport".

Anna "Drawing or painting or something like that".

Safe to say, everyone had a lot of fun and learned a thing or two about the talent day that they were a part of.