
By Will Stribling | Posted: Wednesday August 23, 2023

Congratulations to the Year 7 and Year 8 students who competed at the annual Cantamath competition last night.

The competition, now in it's 50th year, sees students compete for 30 minutes attempting to solve 20 mathematical problem solving questions. The judges can only say yes, no or unclear and if you fail twice you have the option to skip the question but you can't go back to it. The teams consist of four people per team.

There were approximately 80 teams competing in each year level.

The members of the Casebrook Year 8 team consisted of Ben Allan (Runner), Thomas Walker, Andrew James and Aiden Watts, and they were placed 7th equal with 85 points out of 100. 

The Casebrook Year 7 team was made up of Leo Chai (Runner), Josh Roberts, David Ham and Avery Kerr. They placed 13th.