Introducing Miss Dougherty

By Sam Broad | Posted: Tuesday July 25, 2023

Miss Dougherty is the student teacher in Room 13 until the end of Week 5 this term.

On the 24th of July Marcus Elms and Liam Winter interviewed Miss Dougherty the student teacher. Miss Dougherty is loving her classroom, Room 13. We asked her some questions about her, such as what's your favourite food, movies and also what university you study at. 

We asked her what schools she had taught at, she said “I spent my first year at Templeton Primary School, then Merrin School, after that Waitaha and now Casebrook. 

Fun fact she plays rugby and is a centre and prop. She also used to play netball on attack. 

Liam and Marcus think this one of the best responses yet. How is Casebrook going so far? "It's been really cool and everyone has been very kind and welcoming, and I am loving Room 13. They are a cool bunch of kids." said Miss Dougherty.