Tēnā Koutou Katoa.

By Bev Bell | Posted: Tuesday July 25, 2023

A very warm welcome to Term 3 to the Casebrook Community. We have another busy term coming up with the main focus being our school production.

Thank you to all who attended a conference with your child and their teacher. These opportunities are valuable in sharing learning experiences which help reinforce the importance of school and the learning that happens there. If you were unable to make it this week, please feel free to contact the classroom teacher at any time.

This year we held a very successful Scholastic Book Fair during the week of learning conferences so that students and their parents could view all the books on sale and make purchases.

It has been wonderful to see International visitors back in our community once again. A group of four Taiwanese students have been here for three weeks and are being hosted in classrooms for the first two weeks of this term. We also hosted a group of 16 Korean students who arrived on Sunday and left yesterday morning. This has been a very enjoyable experience for the students as well as the school. The Korean visit culminated with an amazing high tea made by some Casebrook students and our Korean visitors, very ably led by Mrs Lauren Dick-McCann and Mr Martin James.

Last week students in our classes were given lessons in first aid by St John. They learnt general first aid as well as how to perform CPR correctly and how to use a defibrillator. Classes who have not had St John lessons yet will have them next week.

Today and tomorrow we are having our Open Days here at Casebrook This is an opportunity for Year 6 students and their whānau to experience a typical school day at Casebrook and to meet our management team and teachers.

The term calendar is attached and we look forward to working with you over the coming weeks. As always, if you have questions or concerns please contact us.

Nāku iti noa

Bev Bell

Assistant Principal