Tēnā Koutou Katoa - Busy weeks as we work towards the end of Term Two.

By Sharon Keen | Posted: Wednesday June 14, 2023

This week we had the pleasure of having Year Six students from three of our contributing schools visit. This is a time when we introduce them to Casebrook Te Kura Mareko as part of our induction programme.

If you have friends or whānau who intend for their child to join us next year please encourage them to enrol their child.  This can be done online, ring the school office or come in if that is easier.  With our enrolment zone we encourage people to have this completed as soon as possible.

This week the Board of Trustees decided to introduce sports track pants as part of our school uniform.  They will be able to be worn on the way to school and as part of the sport or P.E. uniform during terms two and three. We will notify you when they are available to be purchased, we are hoping this will be at the start of next term.   

Next week we have our 'On Our Way' performance.  This is an opportunity for all of our young people who are learning an instrument or having singing lessons to perform in front of an audience.  We appreciate that many have just started and so are new to their craft but the opportunity to perform gives them a sense of purpose.  If you have a child who is performing please come along and support them.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please contact us.  We are here to help and wish is to make these two years as successful and rewarding as possible.

Nāku iti noa

Sharon Keen

Principal - Tumuaki