Casebrook Dance Party 2023

By Room 5 | Posted: Tuesday June 13, 2023

On the evening of Thursday, 1st June, Casebrook Intermediate, was the place to be!

The annual Casebrook Dance Party was a fun night where over 250 Te Kura Mareko students danced the night away. DJing and lighting talents were provided by LOOP and Papanui High School students. 

For $5, students could purchase tickets and enjoy dancing with their friends and classmates. Lollies, drinks, and glowsticks could be purchased from the canteen. Thank you to the PTA who provided these. 

Before the night, students sent in their song requests to Mr Russell, who passed them on to Tom from Loop. A crowd favourite was 'Party in the USA' by Miley Cyrus; that got everyone on the d-floor. 

A big thank you to Mr Russell and all the volunteers from the PTA - we appreciate the hard work you put into such a great night.