40 Hour Challenge Update

By Hunter and Rusi from Room 5 | Posted: Tuesday June 13, 2023

Hunter and Rusi from Room 5 caught up with Miss Kirk for the latest about the 40 Hour Challenge.

We asked Miss Kirk some questions like what is the 40 Hour Challenge, previously known as the 40 Hour Famine. 40 Hour Challenge is New Zealand's largest youth fundraising campaign. It is a 40 Hour Challenge that people can complete to raise money for those in need, specifically people who need access to clean water in countries where World Vision works.

So far, Casebrook has raised $3,716 and is just $4,784 away from hitting its biggest goal of $8,500. In the last update, we were 10th on the leaderboard. All the money goes towards supplying water in all the countries that World Vision works with. Their goal is to have access to water in all the countries by 2030.

Where’s all the money going, you might be asking? Well, all the money is going to World Vision. Roughly 200 people from Casebrook have signed up for the 40 Hour Challenge, and we recommend that you guys try this out for yourself; it's quite fun!

Click on this link to donate online!

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