Swimming Sports at Wharenui Pool

By Christine Gillard | Posted: Friday March 27, 2015

On Thursday 26th March and Friday 27th March, Casebrook Intermediate competed in their school swimming sports held at Wharenui Pool.

The students were incredibly well behaved, swam to their best ability and displayed our REP values while cheering on their House.

The winners on the day

Year 8 Boys Champion: Thomas Bainbridge
Runner Up: Aidan Batt

Year 7 Boys Champion: Jody Devine
Runner Up: Rhys Tacon

Year 8 Girls Champion: Courtney Linkhorn
Runner Up: Abigail Chiplin

Year 7 Girls Champion: Kate Taylor & Georgia Perriam
Runner Up: Cassandra McNoe & Lileeh Davis

House points

Cavendish – 1530
Northfield –1270
Sawyers – 1200
Veitches – 850