Me oh my... it's that time of year... it's time for the Casebrook Dance Party
- Tickets to be purchased at the office.
- The doors open at 6.30pm.
- Students can purchase drinks and lollies. The price of these items range from $1.00 - $2.00.
- Students will be asked to check in any bags, mobile phones etc. Mobile phones are not allowed in the hall. If you need to contact your child, if it is an emergency, please call the office - 3597428.
- We ask that only Casebrook students are invited to the dance party so please do not send friends or family from other schools along.
- Please ensure that students are picked up from the hall or the hall foyer at 8.30pm. We ask that all students are picked up and are not allowed to leave the office area until they have been collected. Please do not be late for the pick up of your child.
Thanks for your support. Mark Russell