Year 7 Surfing

By Jacinta Clark | Posted: Sunday February 19, 2023

Rooms 9 and 10 went surfing on Monday 13th February. The other Year 7 classes were also supposed to go last week but were unable to due to the weather! They will get to go soon.

We interviewed two students from each class.

Hunter and Ethan from Room 10:

Hunter’s favourite part of the day was boogie boarding because he said you can get smashed up and run into people. Ethan also liked boogie boarding because he said you can catch waves better and it was more fun than surfing because you can go deeper. Luckily, neither of them got burnt. Hunter said that it was raining on the bus trip but when they got there it was sunny and they had a good time at the beach. Hunter and Ethan learnt how to boogie board and now they know for the future.

Leo L and Leo C from Room 9:

Leo L’s favourite part was catching waves and the way they took them away, especially when the waves smashed over top of them. Leo C’s favourite part was the boogie boarding. They learnt how to surf and it was difficult to stand up. They also learnt how to boogie board properly. Leo and Leo said the water was warm and they both got burnt faces.

By Esme and Chloe (Room 5) 

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