Starting at Casebrook Intermediate

By Jacinta Clark | Posted: Sunday February 19, 2023

Our Year 7's have been at school for three weeks now. I interviewed some students to see what they think so far and what they have been doing to get involved!

Sadie Smith from Room 7:

Sadie's favourite things about Casebrook so far are the opportunities. Casebrook is different from her primary school because it is way bigger, has more opportunities, and more education. Sadie wants to sign up for violin, netball, and volleyball. She has bought noodles from the canteen and would love to try a moosie. At lunchtime, Sadie likes to walk around and talk to people and also sit in the sun. 

Oscar Boyd and Leo Vickers from Room 8:

Leo's favourite things so far are Casebrook Challenge and football. Oscar's favourite is having all the subjects in one room. They both said that Casebrook is different from their primary schools because there are lots more people and there is a canteen. Leo has signed up for futsal and football. Oscar has signed up for maths badge, futsal, and waterpolo. Leo has purchased coolsips and waffles from the canteen and Oscar wants to try a juicie. At lunchtimes, they like to play football. 

Conner Beatty from Room 3:

Conner's favourite things so far are getting to play league and having more freedom. The differences between Casebrook and his primary school are that students can play tackle rugby here, there are more people, and the field is big. Conner thinks he might sign up for waterpolo and wants to do a Casebrook Challenge Super Challenge. He has tried hash browns, coolsips, and crispy chicken wraps from the canteen and wants to try the butter chicken pizza. At lunchtime, Conner likes to play league or soccer or to sit down and relax.

Maddi Stewart from Room 4:

Maddi's favourite thing about Casebrook so far is the canteen. The differences between Casebrook and her old school are that it's a lot bigger and there are more classes and activities. Maddi has joined Pasifika and kapa haka. She might join hip hop or jazz. Maddi has bought a juicie and muffin from the canteen and is keen to try sushi on a Wednesday. At lunchtime, she likes to walk around with friends and play on the bars. 

Layne Connor from Room 9 (he answered my questions in an email):

So far I like my class, all of the teachers and getting to know more people. I enjoy being able to go outside and play sports. I have already completed 7 Casebrook Challenges so I am finding that fun. The surfing trip was really good, I got up on the surf board lots! Casebrook is very different from my primary school. There are lots more students, a lot of different subjects and heaps of extension groups to join. It also has a canteen which my primary school didn't have. I also find that we go outside a lot more which is different. This year I would like to sign up for the football and basketball teams for sport. I am also interested in art. I have bought a butter chicken wrap, garlic bread, hash browns, waffles and a cool-sip.

My ratings are as follows...BC wrap - 8/10, really liked the butter chicken flavour and it was crunchy and crispy. Garlic Bread - 9/10, good size, quite big, left you with a garlic breath so it was a good sign of flavour. Hashbrowns - 8/10, good bargain, got 3 of these for a cheap price. Crunchy and hot. Waffles - 7/10, I prefer the savoury food. Cool-sip - 10/10, nice to wash everything down with a drink.

At lunch time I like to play sports on the field with my friends. I enjoy playing football at lunchtime as there are lots of fields and goals to choose from. The sports shack is great. 

Thanks for reading!

By Piper (Room 6)

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