By Nick Leith | Posted: Wednesday December 9, 2015
Our Casebrook House leaders have been selected for 2016
Congratulations to the following students who will be leading our four Casebrook house teams next year:
Northfield: Azaria King, Lachlan Rountree
Veitches: Cameron Talbot, Lily Reed
Cavendish: Ben MacLennan, Amy-Lee Peterson
Sawyers: Lorenz Torres, Gerogia Perium
We had a overwhelming amount of interest for these positions with 30 students applying. This number of applicants speaks volumes about the level of effort and commitment our students are willing to put in to be involved in leadership groups in our school.
We would like to thank all the students who applied for their willingness to stand up and represent themselves and their school.
Nick Leith, Rachael Cooper and the Year 7 team.