The New Block

By Olivia Brien | Posted: Wednesday May 4, 2022

So as you may have likely seen, the front block has finally been completed and students from Rooms 1, 2, 3, and 4 have finally moved into their new classrooms. We asked students from each class a few questions about how they felt and what they liked about their new classroom.

Q1 - Do you like it better than your old class?

Yes, we love it!

Q2 - How long did it take you to move in all of your furniture and belongings?

Around 30 minutes to 1 hour. We moved most of our stuff in on the last couple of days of Term 1. It was nice to come back to Term 2 with everything already set up.

Q3 - Do you like the air conditioning and heat pump?

Yes, it is much better than the last one. It is nice and warm when you arrive in the morning.

Q4 - What do you like most about your new classroom?

We love the big TV, the smell is nice and new and the area is great. We have already got a lot of work up on the walls.

Q5 - Do you like the new furniture?

Yes, it is very nice to have couches in the classroom. They are very comfy.

Q6 - Are you excited to use the kitchen?

We haven't used it yet but we are very excited.

Q7 - Are you excited to be in this classroom for the rest of the year?

Yes, it is great, we are all Year 7 classes so hopefully, we can stay here next year too.

Q8 - How is the new TV?

It is very big and clear!

By Shivesh and Tavatualau

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