Tēnā Koutou Katoa - Full School Timetable Begins

By Sharon Keen | Posted: Tuesday March 8, 2022

The final Year 8 camp returned this week and so the full school timetable with all the extension and enrichment activities will be in full swing from next week. As a safety precaution, some of these events will take place outside but we will be doing our best to cater for all students who show an interest in an activity. To avoid disappointment please read the daily notices on our website. The notices are frequently posted at the beginning of the week and they outline what is on offer, where and when to meet. If you are unsure please contact the classroom teacher or the school office.

Thank you very much to all parents and whānau who have kept the school well informed about when a student is isolating because they are a household contact or has tested positive for COVID.  It is expected that case numbers across the country will continue to rise over the next two to three weeks and so we expect to see more cases in our school community.  Please follow the isolation timeframes from the Ministry of Health and keep us informed.  We will be providing online learning activities for those who are at home and able to work. If the situation in the school changes we will keep you well informed. At any time please feel free to contact us if you have a question or concern.

In the coming weeks, we will be reviewing our Year 7 activity days and Year 8 camps. In both of these reviews, we will be seeking student, parent, and staff feedback. Please take a moment to share your thoughts with us as the review results assist us with our future planning. Normally after Year 8 camps and Year 7 EOTC trips we like to invite parents who have given up their time to help out to a thank you evening. We will be doing this as soon as we're able to welcome you back onsite for such 'refreshing' occasions.

On Friday, March 18 we have a teacher-only day (next week). This is the same day as many of our Primary Schools and are planned together so as to cause as little disruption as possible for our community.  Our staff will be engaging with professional learning in Mathematics which is a school-wide focus this year. Thank you for your support.

Stay safe and please contact us if we can be of any assistance. 

Nāku iti noa

Sharon Keen
