By Sharon Keen | Posted: Wednesday May 5, 2021
This is always an enjoyable term as our young people are settled into our school routine and eager to be engaged in as many activities as possible. There is a real focus on sport, fitness and physical education, as well as regular classroom programs.
As many of you are aware we have a brand new canteen on the side of our school hall and during the break the interior of the hall was painted and tided up. The refurbishment of the toilet areas is the last project. The PTA has offered to assist with this and so we ask that you support their fundraisers as all profits will go towards this.
Last term the Ministry of Education informed us that we were required to put in a school zone. I sincerely thank all of you for your submissions as the sheer number supports our view that our young people deserve to have the option of attending an Intermediate or Middle School. The final boundaries and information can be found later in this newsletter. We were pleased our zone area was substantially increased from what was first proposed. Most importantly, our school capacity or the number of students that we are allowed to enroll increased and is a closer reflection on the classroom space we actually have. Currently, there is a slight decrease in the numbers of Year 5 & 6 students across Canterbury and so we believe we will be able to cater for most of those interested in joining us, however, if you are outside of the stated boundaries you will need to enter into the ballot. We will be in contact with all the families who have already sent in their enrolment form for 2022.
Next week we have our first Hui and Kai evening. All our community whānau are invited. Please see the information sheet later in the newsletter.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us. Issues are far easier dealt with early rather than waiting for the situation to escalate.
Nāku iti noa
Sharon Keen