Attitude Presentation in the Hall!

By Ava, Jasmine, Logan, Charlie | Posted: Friday March 19, 2021

On Friday 19th March presenters from Attitude Talk came and spoke to the Year 7 and 8 students.

Rory from Attitude Talk spoke to the Year 8’s about what type of person you are and the importance of making good choices. 

Jayden and Leon from Room 16 thought that the presentation was really funny and that they would use the advice in future situations. They also thought that your choices in life make a difference in how other people see you.

Logan’s favourite part was finding out that he was a beaver.

Charlie’s favourite part was listening to what Rory was saying and how that can help you in life. 

Jasmine’s favourite part was listening to Rory’s funny stories that are relatable. 

Ava’s favourite part was getting told important information in a funny way.

By: Ava, Jasmine, Logan, Charlie  

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