Thinking About Getting a Personal Learning Device for your Child ?

By Shona Kelleher | Posted: Tuesday November 8, 2016

Here is the latest bundle deal through the Greater Schools for Canterbury Network. This offer has been developed and introduced specifically for the GCSN and offers a range of purchasing options.

We welcome students to bring in personal devices for their learning.  Digital literacy is becoming an integral part of teaching and learning today and as teachers, we are seeing high engagement and excitement in students learning both at school and at home. 

We consider the anytime, anywhere access to class lessons and student's own projects a real motivator to being an engaged and excited learner. A personal device enables the seamless transition of home and school learning. 

Please feel free to contact us to discuss any questions regarding how we use technology here at Casebrook within our teaching and learning or further information around the BYOD deal.

For more information please contact Shona Kelleher by email:

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