Te Puna Waro roundup

By Catherina Hengst | Posted: Tuesday February 23, 2021

The last two weeks have been pretty busy in Te Puna Waro with classes getting to know the space and students discovering the fun and games to be (quietly) enjoyed there during the lunch breaks.


*This is the last week to enter the Summertime Reading Challenge run by the CCC Libraries, there are still entry forms on the issue desk in Te Puna Waro or follow this link to enter: https://my.christchurchcitylibraries.com/summertime-reading-club

Some excellent prizes to be had.


*AnyQuestions has opened for 2021!

www.anyquestions.govt.nz is a free, online chat service that helps New Zealand school-aged students with their schoolwork. Between 1pm and 6pm on weekdays, students can logon and chat with a librarian who will help guide their research and teach them valuable information literacy skills. The service is run by the National Library of New Zealand, funded by the Ministry of Education and supported by public libraries from around the country.


* See the attached pdf for some Mental Health and Wellbeing courses being provided by Reframe Wānanga for 13 - 25 year olds you may know of.


*Remember we have a library web page that can be accessed from school or home, just follow the links