By Jacinta Clark | Posted: Monday November 30, 2020
Recently, Casebrook Intermediate bought ten new robots for their digi tech room! They are called LEGO Spike Primes. They can be coded to do sumo wrestling and drive around. Students in the Epro8 group in the digi room work on these robots every Tuesday, building them and getting them ready to sumo (Mr Mutch’s wish).
Robot Sumo Wrestling
In Week 7, the Epro8 group managed to get some of their robots wrestling. The wrestling required a mat with a black ring inside it for the arena. The robots were put into the ring, unable to leave it due to their coding. The two bots would shove each other until one of them got forced out of the ring or got flipped. Mr Mutch was happy with how the robots performed, so now the students need to fine tune them to be even better.
Why Did The School Buy New Robots?
The school received the Spike Bots two weeks ago. The reason why the school bought new robots was to replace the old LEGO EV3 bots. The EV3s were beginning to get run down, so the school replaced them with LEGO Spikes due to their more advanced technology and reliability.
Wrap Up
Casebrook Intermediate is very lucky to have a great digi room with lots of incredible devices and robots that can help them learn. These new robots will help take learning further in the classroom, and show students how easily some robots can be programmed. They are great pieces of technology and they will help teach many students amazing skills.
By Alex Wallwork and Callum Fitchett (Room 13)