Super Hagley Summer Sport.

By Bev Bell | Posted: Monday November 9, 2020

Term 4 brings a time of sporting opportunities and fun. Casebrook Intermediate students have been competing in various Hagley sports. Here are some updates on how our teams are going.


The Casebrook cricket team has been playing at Hagley park every Tuesday. They have played 2 games and won them both. William Sandford, one of the players, said, ”I think that the Casebrook cricket team has been working well together, being respectful to the other teams by shaking hands and giving compliments. I think that we all showed REP and played as a team.”

Mr. Case, the coach, said this, “We have been playing well as a team, everyone has stepped up and performed with bat, ball, or in the field. It has been great to see players cheering each other on and celebrating success, even if it means they get less of a turn.

We have displayed REP at all times, a really good example and representation for our school.”


Our touch teams have had mixed results but mainly wins. Toby Gee, one of the players in the mixed team, had this to say, “We’re doing well and improving every game”. Everyone has been displaying good REP and sportsmanship whether they have won or lost and have projected a good image of Casebrook Intermediate by doing three cheers, supporting others, and shaking hands with the opposition. With the help of the teams’ coaches, the teams have been progressing and playing well. They have had training every Monday at lunch time and have been improving their knowledge of the game as well as their skills. All three teams look forward to playing more games and improving their skills in the future.


Every Tuesday Casebrook has been playing futsal at Hagley. It has been really enjoyable having fun with our friends. Our teams have been really respectful by shaking each other's hands and giving encouraging comments. "We have kept our heads up, even if we have lost,” said Leon Greig, one of the futsal players. Leon had this to say about his favourite goal. “My favourite goal was when Lucy shot the ball from halfway, scoring through the goalkeepers legs.”


The Casebrook Ultimate Frisbee team has been having lots of fun competing with other schools while showing REP, across the tournament. Miss Kirk said, “Our team has much to be desired but we have been training, we are passing, showing great team work and we are hopefully expecting a win some time soon.” Ultimately, the Casebrook Ultimate Frisbee team will get that deserved win soon.


Over 20 people signed up for this brilliant sport. The team have played two games this term, and with no surprise, won both of them. Mrs Feron, one of the coaches said, “They've worked hard to come together as a team and have been very supportive to the people who are trying softball for the first time”.

“I hope that the softball team will win this term." said Miss Sherwin. Miss Sherwin had played softball at a young age for her local club Ottawa, in Canada, and wanted to teach the team.

"I think that the team is playing very well and they always show REP on the softball field," Mrs Feron said. The two coaches have faith that the team will win this season, if they work hard they might.


The Casebrook korfball team results have been a mixed bag. The team has been showing REP and good sportsmanship by shaking hands after every match as well as doing three cheers and giving supportive comments. Yasaman Masumi, one of the B teams players, said this, “We have been playing really well and progressing as a team.” They have had training sessions every Tuesday morning at 7:45 and have been working hard to improve their skills and understanding of the game. They look forward to progressing and playing more games of korfball in the future.