By Lauren Dick-McCann | Posted: Wednesday October 14, 2020
A Casebrook group of keen cooks in Year 8 have had the exciting opportunity to star in the Food for Thought and the New World Little Garden promotional video and article celebrating vegetables, why it's important to eat them and giving tips for eating more and trying new ones.
Mia, Katana, Zoey and Alex had a taste of life under the media spotlight. They were filmed preparing and judging two delicious healthy vegetable snacks to promote the recipes on the New World Little Garden Website. Watch the video here:
The students recommend you trying out both their recipes: Beetroot Dip with Pita Crisps and Pea Pesto and Watercress Crostini.
The group’s favourite is the Beetroot Dip and Mrs Dick-McCann is putting it on the menu in the Food Tech Kitchen.