By Genevieve Feron | Posted: Tuesday December 10, 2019
Bree, Lily and Gracymay interviewed the art extension group who helped create a mural to be displayed on the Village Green wall.
The Enliven Bishopdale Group has invited Casebrook Intermediate to get involved with a huge art panel project. Miss Zant chose four students to take part in this amazing opportunity - Lily Reeves, Gracymay Ellen, Ruby Geoghegan and Tabassom Hassanian. To find out more about this fantastic project, we decided to interview the girls on their thoughts.
How much have you enjoyed being in art extension?
"I have really enjoyed being a part of art extension because of the people we get to work with and the fact that we get to spend so much time painting." - Ruby
What was the purpose behind this piece of art?
"The reason that we created this piece of artwork is that it’s something different and it means something to us and the school." - Tabassom
What would you say about how your work turned out?
"It’s amazing because the colours pop, it’s vibrant, modern and different." - Tabassom
How long did it take to plan and get this work done?
"So far it has taken us a full term." - Gracymay
Why did you choose to join art extension?
"We chose to join art extension because we are passionate about art and it’s something we like to do in our spare time." - Tabassom
When the art has been completed, it will be displayed on the Village Green wall in Bishopdale, where viewers will feel as though they are looking through the “windows” to a life past the wall. The girls have really enjoyed making this amazing piece of artwork and we can’t wait to see the finished product! A huge thanks to Miss Zant for helping us make this possible.