Tēnā Koutou Kātoa - Casebrook Intermediate presents SPECTECHULAR!

By Bev Bell | Posted: Wednesday November 13, 2019

On Wednesday next week, we have the 'Spectechular' evening in our school hall from 3.30 - 8pm.

This is where our Specialist/Technology staff display the students work that has been completed throughout the year. We encourage you to visit, it is always well worth a look. We will also be interviewing Year 6 students, who will be joining us as Year 7 students in 2020, and their families, on Wednesday evening.  

23 volunteers from Casebrook walked to Papanui Bush on Tuesday with Jacinta Clark, Lauren Dick-McCann and Chris Stoddart from Papanui High School, where they were given a history lesson on the Bush and cut grass around the trees to save the natives. 

Mrs Genevieve Feron took our Korean dance, hip hop and jazz specialist groups to Tūranga today to perform to the public. This is part of the Kids in Town programme run by the Christchurch City Council.

Students who qualified for the Athletlic Zones will compete next Tuesday at Nga Puna Wai at Wigram. We wish them every success in their efforts. Please note there will be no Hagley sports on that day.

Enjoy the long weekend.

Nāku iti noa


Bev Bell

Assistant Principal