School Production - Unable to perform and Late Start Times - Please read below.

By Christine Gillard | Posted: Tuesday September 17, 2019

It is that time again… stars, lights and razzle-dazzle. Casebrook Intermediate is staging their major production “White Lines: A History of NZ Rugby” directed by Gen Feron.

The production will run on the following times and dates:

• Evening Performance 7pm Tuesday 24th September

• Evening Performance, 7pm Wednesday 25th September

• Evening Performance, 7pm Thursday 26th September

The rehearsals for non-cast members for the show are all during school hours but please do put the dates above in your diary, as all children are required at each and every performance during that week of term. The show will start at 7pm but the children will need to be at school no later than 6:30 pm in order to have makeup applied etc.

If for any reason they are unable to perform in one of the shows please have your child return the attached slip to the office.

On Wednesday 25th, Thursday 26th and Friday 27th September the students will not be required to be at school until 10 minutes before the start of the second teaching block; 10:50am. Morning tea begins at 10:30am so this would be an appropriate time to arrive. If your child is not taking advantage of the late start they will be supervised at school and should arrive at the normal time. We do not want students to ‘dribble’ in during the morning so please have your child arrive at one time or the other.

The show will finish at approximately 9:00pm. You will need to collect your child from their classroom at that time. The students will not be allowed to leave the classrooms to meet you on the road or car park. Please do not ask your child to come and meet you. The teacher in charge is required to make direct contact with the adult collecting the student.

If you have any questions please contact your child’s class teacher.