Casebrook Intermediate 24-7 YouthWorkers

By Jason Phillips and Tatiana Moana | Posted: Tuesday April 21, 2015

We would like to introduce our Youth Leaders supporting our students in the School Community.

Jason Phillips

Kia ora Koutou ko Jason taku ingoa, I am an enthusiastic youth worker from Te Ora Hou. I have been popping into Casebrook Intermediate on a weekly basis to support the fantastic work Tatiana has been doing but also to catch up with some of the young boys that I will most likely be working with this year.   This year at Casebrook Intermediate I will be running multiple ten week programs for budding young groups of eager Year 7 boys called Tama Tu Tama Ora.

Tama Tu is about empowering boys to develop their identity, skills, positive connections and making good decisions in their day to day lives.

Come Term 2, I will also be helping to facilitate another weekly program called Te Pihi Ora. This program is after school, based at our campus at Te Ora Hou in Papanui. It is a similar but perhaps more in depth program aimed at some of the Year 8 boys from Casebrook.

I have really enjoyed meeting the young fellas from Casebrook so far and look forward to the awesome stuff we can achieve together soon!

Tatiana Moana

Kia Ora everyone I’m Tatiana and I’m so excited to be journeying with you guys this year alongside Jason.

In Term 1, I got to meet a lot of you and hangout during lunchtime which was awesome. Thanks for making me feel welcome. I also got to watch some amazing skills during Wheels, which is run every Wednesday and Thursday during lunch time.

In Term 2, I’ll be starting the Manawahine Program which runs after lunch every Wednesday. The Te Pihi after school program will also start this term every Thursday and will be run by myself and Amanda Smith. I’ll also be hanging out with all the netball players and helping out every Tuesday during sports day and I am so stoked to be a part of it!

There are still so many young people I haven’t met so please don’t be a stranger, if you see me around, come up and say hi! I’m going to be in school every lunch time so feel free to come hang out.

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