By Bev Bell | Posted: Tuesday April 2, 2019
This is the last newsletter of what has been a very busy first term. Students have joined many extra-curricular activities and are presently trialling for winter Hagley sports. If any parents are able to help with coaching, please email Tom Straker
This week, April 5th, is a mufti day and we ask students to donate chocolate for the PTA Easter Raffle. We encourage you to sell as many raffle tickets as possible because it is a great fund raising initiative and the prize hampers are very impressive. The raffle will be drawn on Wednesday April 10th.
Just a reminder that this year Casebrook has divided our year into three Academic Terms. We are focusing on three inquiry topics and integrating these with other learning areas to broaden the learning experiences we offer our students. Reporting and celebration assemblies will be at the end of each Academic Term. Please see below for these dates.
Up-coming events:
Reports go home: Friday 17th May
Parent/Whanau interviews: Tuesday 21st (2 - 8pm) & Wednesday 22nd May (2 - 6pm)
Celebration assemblies: Friday 24th May
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child's teacher or any of us in the office. We are here to make the year as successful as possible for all our students.
Ngā Mihi
Bev Bell
Assistant Principal