Year 7 Activity Days

By Elizabeth Kennedy | Posted: Monday February 4, 2019

These activity days are aimed at assisting children to build relationships, use teamwork and encourage them to move out of their comfort zones. We appreciate all the parents that have offered their help, these days wouldn't be possible without your support. Please make sure if your child has not returned their permission slips they do this ASAP.

Below are the dates for the Year 7 Activity days.

Room 1

Surfing: Friday 15th February

Horizons High Ropes: Friday 8th February

Room 2

Surfing: Friday 22nd February

Horizons High Ropes: Monday 18th February

Room 5

Surfing: Monday 18th February

Horizons High Ropes: Monday 11th February

Room 6

Surfing: Friday 15th February

Horizons High Ropes: Monday 11th February

Room 9

Surfing: Friday 22nd February

Horizons High Ropes: Monday 18th February

Room 10

Surfing: Monday 25th February

Horizons High Ropes: Friday 8th February

Room 13

Surfing: Monday 18th February

Horizons High Ropes: Friday 22nd February

Room 14

Surfing: Monday 25th February

Horizons High Ropes: Friday 22nd February

The Port Hills Trek involves all Year 7 students. This will be on Tuesday 19th March.