By Maia Gaitt and Chloe Logan | Posted: Tuesday June 12, 2018
This term for PE all classes are learning about Turbo Touch.
All classes at Casebrook are involved in weekly half an hour Turbo Touch sessions. These sessions are run by Canterbury Touch and are on Wednesdays for Year 8's and Fridays for Year 7's.
Room 9 and Room 10 had their first session last Wednesday. They learnt how to touch and how to run with the rugby ball correctly. They then had to buddy up and for the first activity and had to high five, low five and then pretend to be a ballerina.
After that everyone played a game, half the group got into lines opposite each other and had a relay against the other team running with the ball and using the skills they learnt about holding the ball properly.
Room 9 and 10 are looking forward to learning more Turbo Touch this term.
By Maia Gaitt and Chloe Logan (Room 10)